Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Getting to know each other/Getting to know Christ

This is a fun night with Candy... and a great scriptural application. It can also be shared by the girls as an FHE to fulfill a requirement.

Activity Flow

Invite the girls to bring scriptures with them.
Welcome: We are going to learn some fun things about each other tonight! 

What are some ways people get to know each other? (write on board for later)
  • talking together
  • spending time together
  • read about them
  • observe/watch the other person

Tonight we will get to know each other better by talking together. 

(Have chairs set up in groups of two around the room. Start with 14 chairs, and add more if needed. One of each pair of chairs will have a sticky note on it.) 

Have the girls go sit in the chairs. Tell them if their chair has a sticky note on it, they have to “stick” to their chair. Meaning they don’t move when it is time to switch. The other people scoot over to a new partner each time we switch.

When all the people have switched to a new partner and been across from each other we stop. All the people the didn’t move form one group in one group of chair. All the people that DID move form one group in the other set of chairs, and again we switch with one group staying still, and the other group moving. When everyone has done that, then the group that stayed still separates from the the group that moved, and we do it one more time only this time with smallest groups everyone is a partner, and takes a turn.

Everyone is going to get one of these: show packet and question guide

When you’re with a partner, you will pull out an m and m and tell your partner something about yourself based on the color you pull out. Then your partner will pull an m and m and tell you something about themselves. Then we switch to new partners. We will just go in order because it’s easier to keep straight, and we will all switch at the same time. (explain switching as appropriate)

Take a minute and look at what you will need to tell for each color, and think of what you could share. Everybody ready? 

Once everyone has shared, have the girls come back together. I like getting to know more about others, don’t you? Segue into lesson below. After discussion, pass out pictures of Christ and have them look up the scriptures with a partner and discuss them. Keep your cards and do this as an FHE with your family!

The lesson materials and facts are here in this downloadable handout:
Picture of Christ in file is from media library.